Wacky Moments

Tonight turned out to be a totally unexpected adventure in patience. A softball game that was supposed to last two hours, stretched out to five.


The visiting team's bus driver tried to turn around in a private gravel driveway and wound up sideways in a ditch instead.

You just gotta love life's unexpected events!

The teams are all snug in their beds now thanks to alternate transportation and the bus, yup, you guessed it, is still stuck in the ditch.

So, this got me to thinking about writing (of course!) and how many times our stories get stuck in the ditch.

How long should you stay there?

Do you give up and leave the bus sit or do you keep digging?

Do you get help? Can your helpers get you out of the ditch?

Or should you just leave the bus there and use it for a flowering pot...

I rather like that option, the bus may be the base in which you plant the seeds.