At a Session with Kate Duffy (Kensington,) I learned:
Quote "Get off the Internet and write books!!"
Writing Myth #1: After you sell the 1st book, your life is easy.
Truth: Not so. Sometimes the second sale can be harder than the first.
Writing Myth #2: Editors are over-paid with corner offices, and frequently have two-martini lunches.
Truth: The industry, as a whole, operates without a huge profit margin. This is a competitive market place for editors, as well.
Writing Myth #3: Grammar and Punctuation won't count. Someone will fix it for you.
Truth: First and foremost, the craft has to be there, including good grammar. If this is not a strength for you, get someone to help you fix it prior to submitting your work.
Writing Myth #4: Such and such (insert line) is not selling.
Truth: Don't believe anyone who isn't with a New York Publisher about what is and is not selling.
Focus on your book.
Focus on what you like to write.
Do not write to what you believe are trends.
There is no way to write yourself into publishing.
Writing Myth #5: Some secret is not talked about by authors and editors.
Truth: There is no secret. The only secret is there has to be a collaborative effort between writers and editors. There's no secret path to publication.
Writing Myth #6: Editors take advantage of you (ie: pick your pockets.)
Truth: It is not in the best interest of an editor who wishes to stay in the industry to do this. If you do not have an agent, it's in the editor's best interest, as well as yours, to help you and guide you.
Writing Myth #7: People don't buy books in the summer or December.
Truth: People buy books all year.
Other Info:
In regards to self-promotion: your best weapon is your book.
The cover, in particular, is very important.
The impact of e-publishing on a career is neither negative nor positive. It is taken by a case by case impression. It may be to your advantage as you may grow as a writer, develop a following, etc.
Delivering books on time is important. Do not miss your deadlines. Missing a deadline causes huge problems for the company.
In regards to editor response time:
No response is not necessarily a bad thing, it may mean your work has not been looked at yet. At Kensington, there is no committee meeting holding things up. Kate Duffy typically has a 6 month response time.
Submit your work one time to one editor. Do not submit to a different editor if your work has been rejected. That basically means it was not right for Kensington to begin with.
If you are asked to revise a work, then a contract should accompany it.
Make friends with a bookseller. Find people who can tell you if you are commercially competitive. Not people who are invested in your feelings like family and friends.
DO's and DON'Ts for AUTHORS:
Don't email a manuscript (unless requested to do so.)
Don't worry about your release date. (ie: the most lucrative release date is any one that Nora Roberts is not in!)
Do send in the full manuscript when you have it. Queries are not necessary. Editors care about the book, the more they see of the book, the better.
People who get published, it is inevitable, and editors are lucky to have them land on their desk.
Kate Duffy primarily accepts romance, mysteries, and thrillers. She says she reads 3-5 pages before she gives up reading a manuscript.
Special Note: In January 2008, every Barnes & Noble will have a Brava display!