RWA Conference '08 Tidbits

Today, we interrupt the San Fran pics for some tidbits of important writer information for our viewing audience...

Author, Debby Giusti created a beautiful writer's prayer that she distributed at the conference. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading it, jump on Debby's website and click on the "Writer's Prayer" sidebar link. A fabulous bit of inspiration to print out and peg by your desk.

While standing in line to register, a top name editor at Kensington mentioned that they are seeking quality Historical Westerns. If you write in this genre, you might want to investigate.

Break Into Fiction will be hosting Plotting Retreats throughout the remainder of this year and into 2009 in Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Denver. For new writers and published authors, this amazing retreat will help push your writing to the next level.

Ninth Moon is now offering scene cards for sale. These well-designed 3 x 5's are a handy tool for planning, editing, plotting, and simply keeping everything in your novel on task. You'll find this nifty product here:

Want to win a $1500 check to defray your costs at the 2009 RWA National Conference to be held in Washington, DC? Valley Forge Romance Writers is hosting a 2nd annual VFRW Writer's Rafflemania! For more information, visit

Agent, Scott Eagan of the Greyhaus Literary Agency spoke to our FTHRW in depth about what he's looking for right now... and guess what, he's listed it all on his blog too. Check it out at

Stay tuned this week for more tips, notes from workshops and the PAN Retreat, and of course, more fun pics!

Also be sure to visit for freebies, contests, and more conference notes.
