(Disclaimer: The notes from this talk are exactly that, notes. While I did my best to record each bit of information accurately, it is my interpretation of what was communicated and should not be construed as quoting the speakers.)
The publishing world is full of crossover fiction novels and many readers love having a blend of genres.
With women still comprising the bulk of fiction readers, romance and romance elements are readily accepted in combination with other genres, for example, sci-fi romance.
The writer needs to be cautious about what you are marketing and to whom. For example: If you market heavily on the romance side, you might turn off your sci-fi/fantasy readership.
Most often it's best to let the publisher/editor decide what genre it falls in and how to best bring the book to the market.
Read what the publishers are publishing. Does your book fit in? It's necessary to explore the markets you wish to write for and find out what publishers are actively publishing your genre(s.)
Do you know how to determine the basic genre you are writing for? To help, ask "what is my primary goal in this novel?"
Is it the romance?
Is it the "saving of the world?"
Is it the heroine's growth and emotional development?
By understanding the primary goal of your novel, it will help you determine what genre the novel fit in the best, even though it may have strong elements of other genres.
In cross-over fiction, the publisher's biggest challenge is the bookstore. There's only one section in the bookstore that the novel can be placed in. Again, it's important to try to decide what is it "more" of- romance, sci-fi, fantasy, women's fiction, etc.
Who will it appeal to the most?
It's highly important to remember that when you are writing cross-over fiction that you have to have resolution to all elements of the novel
as it pertains to the genres. For example, in sci-fi romance, there must be closure/resolution of the romance (meaning boy and girl get together or there is at least the clear potential that the relationship will continue... and there must be closure/resolution to the sci-fi element (cure is found, world is saved, goal is met, etc.)
Pictures from San Francisco's China Town
No trip to San Francisco would be complete without an adventure in Chinatown (noted to be the oldest Chinatown in the U.S. and the largest Chinatown outside of Asia.)
Totally a delightful neighborhood to experience!
My bestest writing bud, the fabulous Marie, and I had a great time exploring the all the sights, sounds, and shops. Not to mention, the amazing food!
The dragon mural pictured is on the building adjacent to the Oriental Pearl.
Well... I'll be back tomorrow with more pics and tips... stay tuned...
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