Here’s a few tidbits I picked up from a speech delivered by Jessica Faust, co-founder/agent of Bookends LLC. at the Passionate Ink Chapter Luncheon:
Jessica Faust primarily reps Erotic Romance, Mystery, Self-help Nonfiction, and Romance.
With Erotica booming in the publishing industry, it has changed the landscape via allowing editors and agents to push the boundaries in everything they do.
Romance everywhere is getting hotter.
Now that Erotica is more mainstream, the industry is looking for new and different styles. Think outside the box. Blend genres within the Erotic Romance.
Quote: “As long as it’s not illegal in all states- go for it!”
Paranormals: Vampires, Werewolves, etc. are all selling well in the Erotic Romance genre, as well as in mainstream Romance.
Urban Romance is a new trend that is becoming more popular in all areas of Romance.
Throughout the industry, each publisher has variant needs for their Erotic Lines. For example, Avon Red is tamer than the other Erotic Romance lines, calling more for very, very sexy romance. Kensington’s Aphrodisia line is much hotter. Read what the publisher is publishing to see if your book is a good fit.
Bookends LLC website: