RWA Nationals - Borders/ Sue Grimshaw

At the same Passionate Ink Luncheon, Sue Grimshaw, Romance Buyer from the Borders Group addressed the group. Here’s a few tidbits I picked up from her speech:

Borders is currently allocating more space to the romance genre.

In Spring of 2008, Borders will also be launching a new website with special attention to the romance category.

A great program to join is the Borders Rewards Program. The program is free to join.

Borders also has an email romance newsletter. This is part of the My Borders monthly newsletter grouping. Sign up here:

Generating the highest click-thru in the romance newsletter are:
1) Dollar off coupons
2) Links to author newsletters or other newsletters
3) Special author click-thrus such as book trailers

Promotion in Borders stores include:
1) Top picks
2) Shelf talkers
3) Samplers

Book-signings are welcomed at Borders. Erotic Romance group signings have been successful. Signing in a group can generate a bigger crowd and can be better for the authors and the store.

Romance is ever-evolving, and Erotic Romance has now come into its own.

Reader favorites overall in Romance are books with steamy sex and sexy covers. Quote “A good torso goes a long way!”

Anthologies are popular with Erotic Romance readers. Anthologies are a great way to introduce readers to the genre and are sometimes all the reader needs/is looking for.

Also popular in all areas of Romance are paranormals. Studies show readers love paranormals because of:
- the strong tortured heroes
- alpha males
- uniqueness of the stories
- hero is invincible
- attraction is unbreakable and almost supernatural

Overall, a great story with great characters sell books.

Borders is here to support, and proud to support the romance and erotic romance industry.

More information about Borders Stores may be found at
